There are some buds on the pawpaw trees that I suspect are flower buds. Of course, they will not open up until next spring if they are indeed flower buds. None-the-less, it is exciting to think that my newly transplanted pawpaws might be capable of producing flowers. At the same time, I am trying to hold back on my enthusiasm because at times I come to expect too much too fast from my plants. I don't want to be disappointed.
Here is another insect hanging out on the pawpaws. It appears to be some sort of spider with greenish-yellow legs.
The pumpkin plants that I planted have not produced any fruit. This is a volunteer plant that has one good-looking fruit. I hope that there are more to come.
I transplanted two pawpaws about end to April. I neglected one a bit; I didn't plant it in the ground immediately. The plant has looked pretty sad. Happily, I found a little leaf that is trying to emerge.
I have a few promising-looking watermelons. I hope they make it to maturity and have great flavor. I'm a little concerned. Another watermelon vine shriveled and died and I'm not sure why. Some of my other cucurbit plants have contracted some sort of leaf spot disease. I hope the watermelons don't succomb.
The blueberries grew well in spring. They have slowed their growth considerably since the weather has gotten warmer. I had one plant produce a few blueberries. Unfortunately, by the time I tried to pick the berries, some critter had beat me to it.
My tissue-cultured magnolia fig seemed to be struggling a bit in her flower pot. I thought the flowerpot would allow me to take better care of the plant so it could get stronger. Well, I decided to plant the fig in the ground, stop babying her, and let her fend for herself. Consequently, she showed me that the only thing she needed was to be left alone. A week after putting her in the ground, her leaves are bigger and without brown spots. Furthermore, the little plant is growing a new shoot. Remarkable!