Sunday, April 26, 2015
Broad River Pawpaw
This little asimina triloba transplant has definitely got into the spirit of things. She is growing nicely. She definitely has more leaves now than she ever had all of last year.
Edible Landscaping Select Pawpaw
The little asimina triloba is trying to acclimate itself to its surroundings. I see one leaf emerging. The other vegetative sprouts that were present during the shipping of the plant have fallen of or have arrested development.
Issai Kiwi
The buds are still developing. I cannot find an exact dates of flowering, but surely it is about to flower soon. I am curious about how self-pollinating this plant is. I don't have a male vine and don't believe there to be any male vines anywhere near. The vine is loaded with flower buds so only time will tell.
The peach tree is still looking good. It is loaded with fruit. I remain undecided about thinning the fruit or not. Meanwhile, I have been removing a few fruit that are obviously weak or undersized.
Mapping Fruit: Clusters A, B, C
Today I noticed a significant amount of potential fruitlet drop.
I don't know if I did not pollinate them well. Additionally, pollen limitations have necessitated self-pollination, and this may cause the fruitlet drop. I noticed that a couple of flowers that I did cross pollinate dropped as well. The trees are still young, so there may be a limit to how much fruit they can carry. I have decided to monitor the 9 clusters that seem to be more advanced than others. I labeled the clusters with tape, and made a map of the cluster locations. I will try to check and photograph each cluster weekly to see how they progress. Clusters A, B, and C.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Coincidence or Correlation?
I have noticed that the stamen, the hard pollen ball, of my asimina triloba plants have different colors. The native plants' pollen ball is a banana yellow color. The fruit I ate from these native plants have a banana yellow flesh. The seed-grown plant I got from Gurney's has a canteloupe-orangy colored stamen. I wonder if the fruit will have more of an orange flesh.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Edible Landscaping Select Pawpaw
I received a quart-sized seedling asimina triloba from Edible Landscaping about 2 days ago. The seedling has just broke dormancy, as have my other established pawpaws. I have planted it in the yard, watered well, covered with shade cloth, and added mulch. It already is putting out a tiny leaf. Yippee!! My plan is to keep it well watered but not soggy throughout the spring and summer. I will keep it covered with the cloth this year. If it reaches 2 ft by the end of this year, I will remove the cloth in 2016. If not, I will let the cloth remain but adjust so that a little more light can reach it.
My peach tree is loaded with fruit. Last year, I thinned the fruit and all the rest fell off. I got nothing. This year I am debating if I should thin the fruit or not. I don't know.
Early Leafing Asimina
One of my pawpaw trees seems to have leafed out a week earlier than the others. This could be an aberration or perhaps it is just an early pawpaw.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Issai Kiwi Flowers???
I have had a kiwi plant for at least 4 years. I looked at it today and noticed little clusters growing from the leaf axils. At first I thought they were tendrils, but I don't recall the plant growing tendrils before. I hope the plant fruits and is able to self-pollinate as others have claimed.
Pollen Pending
The anthers are starting to separate on one of the flowers. Hopefully, I can harvest some pollen and start cross pollination.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
My pawpaws are flowering. The Gurney's pawpaw has only 4 buds, and some critter has taken a bite out of 2 of the 4. The buds on the trees on the other side of the yard are not being bothered. The Gurney's pawpaw is my only tree that I am sure has different genetics from the other flowering trees. I really hope that all the buds mature to flowers and fruit on this particular tree because it is my only cross pollinator at present. I found a fly hanging out on my pawpaw with the most buds. Perhaps the flowers are starting to give off that stinky stench that I have read about. I don't smell anything, but perhaps the fly is more sensitive.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Buds and Flowers
It has been a long wait for flowers. Finally, my trees are getting into the spirit. The trees transplanted from my parents pawpaw patch are the most advanced and have the most flowers. One of the trees from Gurney's has 4 buds. It would have had 5, but I accidentally knocked one off. I hope to collect the pollen from the Gurney's tree so that I can pollinate the many blooms on the native-transplanted pawpaw. Hoping for fruit this year.
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