Sunday, February 26, 2012

Peach cutting propagation

I pruned the small Bonfire peach trees, which left me with several cuttings.  I dipped them in rooting hormone and put some in water and the others in vermiculite.  I don't know if they'll grow, but its worth a try.

Peach Tree Grafts

My peach trees seem ready to break dormancy, so I decided to repot them.  The little trees propagated via air layering were big enough to graft.  I've never tried to graft before, so I don't know how successful the grafts will be.  The tree with only one graft was not grafted properly.  The scion wood was slightly smaller than it should have been.  I don't know if I matched up the cambium layers enough.  Oh well, time will tell.  The rootstock is Bonfire peach (I think), and the scion is Belle of Georgia.