Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pawpaw Power!

I had given up hope of getting any fruit from my parents' pawpaw patch. It seemed that all the little fruitlets disappeared shortly after the trees stopped flowering. I have searched for signs of fruit since April, but saw nothing. Well, today I found one little fruit that survived. Yea!!! I wrapped it in netting in hopes that the wild animals don't get to it before I do. To recap, the pawpaws started breaking dormancy around the end of March to early April. I transplanted some pawpaw trees (6 to be exact) from my parents' yard to mine. All are thriving with the exception of one because I delayed planting it for a week. I did not remove the dirt from around the roots after I dug up the pawpaws; instead I put the plants, dirt in all, in a plastic grocery bag. The next day, I dug holes about twice as big as the dirt ball and planted the pawpaws. They are beautiful. I think that transplanting just when the plant breaks dormancy may be helpful. By April 12th there were flowers. By April 25th, there were still flowers and some fruitlets. By June 24th there was a 2" long x 1" diameter fruit.This is one of the pawpaw transplants. It looks so happy.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Watermelon Blooms Keep Me Buzzing

What a pretty bloom! Each morning I get up with the bees to pollinate my plants.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Other edible plants that I am growing are pawpaws, figs, peaches, apples, mulberry, blueberries, parsley, cilantro, oregano, dill, thyme, and rosemary.

Spring/Summer Garden

My garden is in full bloom. I have already harvested zucchini, yellow squash, strawberries, and cucumbers. Lord willing, there is more to come. Other plants in my garden are as follows:corn, roma tomatoes, slicing tomatoes, pinto beans, canteloupe, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, Yukon gold potatoes, sunflowers, bell peppers, watermelon, white onions, mint, catnip, butternut squash, spaghetti squash,green beans, okra, tomatillos, carrots and asparagus. Today I sowed some lettuce and spinach. It's probably too hot, but I figured I'd give it a try.