Friday, October 24, 2014

Counting Buds

I examined my pawpaw trees this afternoon.  All of the transplants from my parent's yard now have flower buds, and in abundance.  One Gurney's seedling tree had 4 tiny buds on it.  The other has not yet produced buds.  I  plan to research fertilization and pollination of  asimina triloba trees.  I want to make sure the trees have the highest chance possible of setting and maturing fruit.  Hopefully, the Gurney's buds will develop, and I may be able to harvest and store the pollen from that tree to cross pollinate with the trees from my parents yard.  If not, I will just use the pollen from the transplanted trees and hope for fruit set.  The tallest tree with buds is 9ft tall.  The shortest is 5 feet tall.

Gurney's tree with buds.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


I just harvested a 14 pound Charleston Gray watermelon.  I noticed that the tendrils near the melon started drying and browning.  We have had two consecutive days of sun, so I decided to harvest it before the rain came and diluted the sugars.  On a scale of 1-10, I give it a 7.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Asiminas Attaining Altitude

The pawpaws have put on some impressive growth this summer.  The taller pawpaws have grown about 3 feet and are at least 8 feet tall.  Regular watering and fertilization has help them greatly.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tiny Tomato

I'm very curious about this tiny volunteer tomato. It has not grown much in height. However, I can tell that it is growing. When I transplanted it, it had flowers but they were closed. It's hard to believe that such a tiny plant will carry tomatoes. I can't wait to see how they look and how they taste.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Asimina Afternoon

Loving it!

Asimina Afternoon


Mystery Tomato

I found the cutest, compact little tomato growing beneath my squash plant. I transplanted the little volunteer to my tomato row. It's probably just a cherry tomato plant, but it seems so small, even to be a cherry tomato.