Friday, October 24, 2014

Counting Buds

I examined my pawpaw trees this afternoon.  All of the transplants from my parent's yard now have flower buds, and in abundance.  One Gurney's seedling tree had 4 tiny buds on it.  The other has not yet produced buds.  I  plan to research fertilization and pollination of  asimina triloba trees.  I want to make sure the trees have the highest chance possible of setting and maturing fruit.  Hopefully, the Gurney's buds will develop, and I may be able to harvest and store the pollen from that tree to cross pollinate with the trees from my parents yard.  If not, I will just use the pollen from the transplanted trees and hope for fruit set.  The tallest tree with buds is 9ft tall.  The shortest is 5 feet tall.

Gurney's tree with buds.