Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Asimina Seed Germination Observations

I checked on my pawpaw seeds again.  Before, only 3 seeds had germinated.  Today, there were 9 germinated seeds.  All but one of the germinated seeds had the seed coat removed.  This makes me think that removing the seed coat hastens germination.  Lord willing, next year I can do some controlled experiments or trials with germination of seeds without the seed coat versus seeds with the seed coat.  I have concluded that cold storage for 82 or more days is sufficient to break seed dormancy.  Wrapping the seed in a wet paper towel and then a plastic bag is sufficient to maintain the moisture levels of the seed while in cold storage.  The sweet spot for seed germination is 37 to forty days, at least for seeds without a seed coat.  The roots have grown 1 inch in 2 days.  I wonder when the plants will push through the ground.

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